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Stanford Powwow runs on the generous support of our community. Every year, we deeply appreciate all the businesses, dancers, drummers, staff, and volunteers who come to sustain this amazing event since 1971.
If you would like to support The Stanford Powwow or advertise for your organization at The Stanford Powwow, consider getting involved by having your ad(s) placed on our website or in our yearly program!

Ad Purchase Instructions
1. Fees
Find the most up-to-date Ad Price information here.
Pay Ad Sale Fee using ASSU ePay.
To complete online payments:
Make an account
Input payment types
Select “Make a Payment”
Choose the “Deposit” option in “Payment Type”
Notes on Online Payments:
This online portal is for Credit/Debit Card payments only.
For other payment options, fees must be paid via physical check or online credit/debit card.
Using the online portal will incur a portal-use fee, which will be included in your payment. If you do not wish to pay this fee, payment by check will be accepted in lieu of online payment.
To complete other payment options
For checks:
Checks can be made out to "The Stanford Powwow"
In the description of your check payment please write “Ad Sales"
2. Send Your Ad
Email us your physical ad at
And we will send you confirmation of your payment when it has been processed!
Deadline: April 1st, annually
Thank you
for your support!

For questions & information,
contact us at:
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